An Albanian from Gorazdevac near Pec

An Albanian from Gorazdevac near Pec, who wished to remain anonymous, spent his entire life in this village, before and after the armed conflict in Kosovo in 1999, he did not leave Gorazdevac. As he told us, he always got along well with his Serb neighbors, and so it is today.

by Александар Јоцић

“I had no problem here with my neighbors. I had problems with other people, but not with my neighbors. For example: I mowed the hay of the late Milovan and I took care of his house so that no one would touch him and guard his cattle. I also took care of the cattle to my neighbor Dakić, and I also watched cows and chickens for Jovan. “

Our interlocutor says that he never looked at people through ethnicity, but that he once had a problem with his compatriots because, as he told us, he had a good will to help people when they are in trouble.

“I did what I did, the neighbor is there so they have to help each other.”

When you helped these people in the most difficult times, did you think about who they are, what their nationalities are?

“I was not interested in that at all, I help everyone, I am a neighbor here, I live in a Serbian village, I will always help while I can.”

Did anyone tell you anything about helping these people?

“Well, sometimes someone did, before when they would argue, and when they got caught in need, they would run after me, come to me and beg me.”

I guess you stayed in touch with your neighbors who are alive today, who are there. What kind of relationship do you have?

“It’s great, I’m not in bad relationship with anyone. When I finish work, I go to them for coffee, they just say welcome. I have nothing to do with anyone, I could not be here without them. “

In the environments where Serbs and Albanians live together, life is possible is the message of our interlocutor. Even today, after more than two decades, he continued to socialize with Serbs, and as he explained to us, he will continue in the future.

The content was placed within the project “Good people in times of evil” implemented by the Center for Peace and Tolerance and supported by the Swiss Embassy in Pristina. The project seeks to create a positive public discourse for the reconciliation process in Kosovo. The views expressed in the published contents do not reflect the views of the Center for Peace and Tolerance and the Embassy of Switzerland.

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